Maine Selfie.jpg

This guy is crazy


I had two choices for life, funeral home director or photographer, yeah YOU ARE reading that correct.  After some careful consideration I chose to work with the living.  

You have a story and life has a story.  YOUR life is YOUR story, don't ever forget that.  I strive to help you see and feel that.  Engaged, single or just mingling I want to bring out that inner beauty you have.  I'm pretty sure you crave fun and excitement with a dash of awesomeness, so let's get shooting!  I take great care and consideration in the time I have with you and want YOU to have everything the best yet.  Years down the road when you peer over these gorgeous memories I want you to continue knowing how amazing as a human you are.

And hey if you don't want fun and inner beauty I'm sure I can recommend a great passport photo booth, but I'm pretty sure you want the first option. :)