Filtering by Tag: Creative Photoshoot

Reflected Goodness In Vegas

Added on by Andrew Gawdun.

The other day I shared images from a creative photo shoot in Las Vegas I was a part of last month.  Vegas is such a beautiful place by night!  The lights, building designs, and energy in the air creates some of the most memorable and picture-able moments.  While combing through the images I wanted to keep from the shoot and then blogging them I came across three images that have become my favorite set.  The inclusion of light, reflection and architecture couldn't have been included in a more amazing way.  I felt they needed their own blog post.  It also doesn't hurt when you have amazing models to work with who are such great sports.  -AG

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Vegas Nights During WPPI 2013

Added on by Andrew Gawdun.

Every year thousands, and I do mean thousands, of photographers descend on the the lands of Las Vegas, Nevada for a week long conference, convention, and trade-show.  Top wedding and portrait photographers offer classes and platform presentations on ways to build each one of us up and help increase our businesses.  I have had the chance to attend the last 3 years and personally recieved oceans of knowledge and insight on ways to further push what I love doing for you all out there.  During this week long event there are numerous mixers and chances to network within this community while not soaking up all the education.  

Back in February I made mention in a blog post about one said photography mixer my friend Kevin Hulett, of K Hulett Photography, wanted to hold.  The event was a success!  We teamed up with fellow photographers from around the US, and even one from South Africa, in a dash around the City Center complex of the Las Vegas Strip.  Our goal was easy, photograph beautiful models in amazing locations and try to get kicked out of casinos.  Well I am here to report we managed to do just that!  From the Bellagio to the Cosmopolitan and in between we spent the late evening hours to early morning hours having a grand ol' time practicing what we love doing and making new friends.  -AG

(PS:  I'm holding off on 3 specific images that completely wowed me so stop by in a couple days... )

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