A few months back Bryce mentioned one night a couple who he met and were looking to relocate to Hermosa Beach from Texas. "If we came across an apartment for rent we should let them know," Bryce told me. But, I won't lie, I kinda forgot to keep my eyes open, oops...
However! Bryce actually found the guys an apartment right before we left for our summer vacation. After returning from vacation I had the chance to finally meet the guys, and glad Bryce had found them a place. Randy and Ty are good people! For real good people and it's been a great time getting to know them and have them living in our community.
Fast forward to mid November when Randy sent me a text asking if he could stop by and discuss something with me. He mentioned that Ty and himself were heading off on a little getaway and he wanted to surprise Ty the morning they were to leave with an engagement. Randy planned out a scavenger hunt that would take Ty to a few places here in Hermosa before leading home from the pier to the lifeguard stand where Randy waited. Of course I wanted to be a part of this! I mean who would pass the chance to hide behind trash cans and lifeguard towers at 7am in order to capture love and life as it happens live! So I did just that, tucking behind a trash can and lifeguard tower I welcomed in the morning with a newly engaged couple. I couldn't be happier for these two amazing souls! Congrats guys! -AG
(That distant figure walking was Ty. He had found his last clue and was heading for Randy.)
While this engagement was a secret surprise don't leave this post a secret. If you loved it, and I know you did, go ahead and share it around the inter webs.
Feel free to connect with me through anyone of the social app forms to the left as well...