Wilmington, North Carolina Portrait - Nicole

Added on by Andrew Gawdun.

I have this friend, Nicole.  She's played my shooting assistant and wild times partner.  Visiting Nicole on her side of the country is ALWAYS a fun time.  It gives us a chance to reconnect and spend some time shooting like old times.  I'm grateful for her support in my photography as she helped spread the word I would be coming through town and helping me find The Hatch Family.   I find it a personal goal to shoot images of her gorgeousness and see just what I can get her to do in order for a fun shot.  She played along nicely this year with a group of tourists and a flowered wall.  Thanks again Nicole :)  -AG

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Single beauties and multiple people beauties I work with them all.  Hit the contact link on the left and let's setup a session :)


Feel free to connect with me through anyone of the social app forms to the left...
