Filtering by Tag: Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada - For Learning & Fun

Added on by Andrew Gawdun.

Yeah you probably read the title of this post and said something to the effect of, "how in the heck is Vegas for learning and not just fun?"  It's true that Vegas is always associated with crazy hijinks and mass amounts of stripper poles covered in booze, or so I hear.  However every year (you may have heard me talk bout this before) mass amounts of portrait and wedding photographers descend onto the city of Las Vegas for a conference and expo known to us as WPPI.  (Wedding & Portrait Photographers International)  

Education is extremely important in the photography field.  Staying on top of this craft and educating myself about new and upcoming products is how I stay current and sometimes ahead of the game.  While it's most important to have your own style of work produced it's still important to be motivated from others who are "rock stars" in the field and learn from them at what makes them succeed in this competitive field.  I always enjoy attending and have had a different experience each year I've gone.  Last year I went to more vendor parties and networking events with new and old friends than I did attend classes, so this year I made it a personal goal to do both equally.  I succeeded.  I was also able to watch as two of my dear friends and fellow photographers whom I used to intern for teach a Master Class, which is one of the most highest of honors at WPPI.  They killed it!  (Congrats Kevin and Katie for rocking the photography world!)  I was also able to solidify further friendships with a group of people whom I am glad to call "my favorite vendors and people,"  Millers Professional Imaging.  Millers just happens to be THE BEST professional printing lab out there.  I do 90% - 100% of my printing through them.  Love their stuff and guts!  I also managed to pick up some new gear I had been eyeing from companies such as Lensbaby and Holdfast.

Anyways enough words, enjoy these images I shot at WPPI 2014 on iPhone and Nikon.  -AG

Had to get work done while waiting for a delayed flight from LAX to Vegas.

Had to get work done while waiting for a delayed flight from LAX to Vegas.

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This year WPPI held their big party at the Hakkasan Restaurant/Nightclub.  I always get a kick out watching a large quantity of photographers "dropping it like it's hot."  

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It's true, I do have a love of breakfast sausage and all three drinks were mine.   

It's true, I do have a love of breakfast sausage and all three drinks were mine.   

From our room at the MGM.

From our room at the MGM.

Part of Kevin and Katie's Master Class involved them taking portraits of guests Kevin Kubota and his fabulous wife Clare.  Let me just say on a side note that no matter how big of a deal Kevin is he is probably one of the most down to earth people I have met.  Which is a big lesson in that no matter how big you are don't be a tool.  (yeah I said tool).

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photo bombed in the cab line leaving the Miller Lab party.

photo bombed in the cab line leaving the Miller Lab party.

This photo might be the only evidence after I ate Sriracha Hot Sauce like ketchup that was going out of style.  I had the worse stomach cramps the next morning, but it was worth the memories :)

This photo might be the only evidence after I ate Sriracha Hot Sauce like ketchup that was going out of style.  I had the worse stomach cramps the next morning, but it was worth the memories :)

This is Dayci, Kevin and Katie's assistant who besides being their publication submissions manager etc, s a bad ass person!  We hung out a ton during WPPI and of course had fun at the Fuji Instax booth.  

This is Dayci, Kevin and Katie's assistant who besides being their publication submissions manager etc, s a bad ass person!  We hung out a ton during WPPI and of course had fun at the Fuji Instax booth.  

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This photo is a sneak into an upcoming blog post from a creative model shoot we had on the Vegas Strip.  

This photo is a sneak into an upcoming blog post from a creative model shoot we had on the Vegas Strip.  

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Thanks for obliging me as I shared a bit into my WPPI 2014 Vegas trip.  Check back for a special post on a creative photo shoot called, Fancy Hotel Bombing 2.  Click here for last years FHB.

Oh yeah and I'm for hire!  That's right ... click here